Monday, March 24, 2014

Prince Eric Khorum Rhann Secret Origins

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  • mavericspacer2003
    Jan 17, 2003
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      MAVERICCOMICSINCSTUDIOS@... Groups Home | My Groups
      I haven't read much on Prince Namor-a few of those 1970's Bill Everett stories,which ok,but nothing great,other than some nice art.I read a few Gene Colen ones,only because,he shared the reprints,with the Hulk.Those were ok,too.Times I liked Namor,was he was very pissed off.I at time,in the 1970's,I managed to read,what appearece he had in his own,the Fantastic Four and were ever.I would say I was his biggest fan,tough.The Sub-Mariner seemed too stuck in his Underwater Superman/Tarzan imatation cycle.I'd rather read Conan at Marvel Comics,with Roy Thomas,Barry Smith,Gil Kane and John Buscema doing their best or Joe Kubert's Tarzan at DC COMICS,doing a better job than anyone else-since or before.As you can tell,I'd rather read Fantasy Epics,set in a fictional world,similar to ours-past ,not so far off,by Edgar Rice Burrough or distant,Age Undreamed of,by Robert E.Howard.I didn't Prince Namor,but I alway felt Marvel has never unleashed his Heroic Fantasy potential-just placed as another underwater superhero,fighting this or that guy-even he predates the more publicly known Aquaman-another guy,who rarely gets unshine his superhero image and go toatal Heroic Fantasy.Marvel or DC Comics dosen't know it or care,but both Prince Namor and Aquaman,have more in common with the likes of Conan,Tarzan or John Carter of Mars,than Superman or Captain America.

      Prince Eric Khorum Rhann the idea came to me,some years ago,about
      19983 or so,looking an ad for a Marvel Comic-it was one about the
      PRINCE NAMOR COMIC-you know the echology,yuppie Sub-Mariner
      one,started by John Byrne,badly written and not much else beyond
      beautiful art to recamend reading.Well,this was long after Byne
      exited the scene and creators scranbled for things to do,with the
      book.With axception of the art and first,much of the John Byrne Namor comic was pretty much same old dum crap-nothing new.The first issue was ok,explainning Namor's Bipolar problems.At this point,Namor got long hair and looked sort of Conan like.
      And it hit me,like an anvil on the head-ke bash ...where as it
      would never to the Big Boys at Marvel,here was a wonderful idea for
      a fantasy comic.Mix the Hyborean Age of Conan and the undersea world
      of Prince Namor McKkenzie.
    • Prince Namors Second Armor-notice the tiny weener.

    • Of course,it was not as simple as that-just sinking the Hyborean
      Age into the sea.This kind of thing and such,created a few
      problems,others never thought of,with neither Namor or Aquaman.
      I needed to figure how exactly human beings,that breath both air
      and water,might live and survive with an atmosphere domed
      cities,while being able to breath underwater.I did not want to
      repete those blue faced,bubble helmet guys of the Marvel Comics had
      for decades.And I did just create another lost,sunken city,just
      sitting upon the ocean floor,with fish swimming in and out every
      window.After all the ocean can contaminate and ruin must of a
      surface city surface ,faster than oxigen could ever do.Look at the
      SS Titantic-pretty much a skyscaper moving across the ocean surface
      and being sunk for decades,did not leave the ship in prime condition
      over the years.Plus the problems with sword making and
      fire,underwater causes many problems.

    • Not matter how much Marvel BS
      you pile on,underwater cities created many problems,that the
      creators either never saw or just choose ignor out of
      convenience.Clothe,art,travel,and just about anything you might name
      is altered in some way,if you simply sink a primative civilization
      or society under water.
      Mixing Conan with Prince Namor was more just flooding a typical
      Hyborean Age city with water and taking it from there.I saw this not
      as a hinderence,but a challenge.

      My goal,using many of previousely existing material for other
      Maveric Comic Properties,was set this series on a world,I created
      for another character-Prince Toreus Rhann,who inhabited a huge
      dysonsphere,out in deep space,where his and another character-Jason
      Gullivar elsewhere,shared adventures.The savage world of Terra-
      Prime,would be big enough for many heroes,and was thrown back into a
      semi-medievil state-some time after some ancient global cataclysmic
      disaster,that whipped much of a more advance civilization,that
      existed ages ago on this world.This Pangean civilization,that was
      created afterward had the primative look of many sword and sorcerey
      worlds.but also had enough remnants of a science fiction
      technological civilization,to give an atmosphere of magic and the
      fantastic,without turning it,all into a typical sword and sorcery
      epic adventure.Despite the books origins,I did want also to just
      created another Conan magical world for my heroes to dwell within.
      I had my goals set down for me.

      With this,the undersea world of Prince Eric Khorum Rhann was
      becoming realized within my mind.The trouble was,making such an
      unworldly environment work,without falling into many undersea
      And that was the real trick,as Han Solo once said to Obi Wan and to make it work...

      Sincerely your.
      Joseph Gilbert Thompson.
      6142 Torresdale Avenue,Philadelphia,Pa,19135-3719.

      all rights reserves,1984-2001.[c] tm.

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